Daycare Services

Age Group : 6 months - 11 yrs

BITT Public School provides full day care program for children between the age group of 6 months to 11 years. This holistic programme is designed to provide a simulation of the home environment to the children. Opportunities for discovering the creative potential of the child and providing a platform honing their skills is provided. This will provide them with a window into the world of creative expression and build familiarity with the various creative pursuits so that she/he can make informed choices later.

The primary role of our caregivers is to give the maximum love and companionship to the children who stay away from their homes for long hours here. Utmost attention is given to hygienic surroundings and nutritious meals. Activities are provided to keep children involved and productively engaged.

The program is rich in extracurricular activities and touches all aspects including the physical and emotional well-being of the child. The program schedule includes schooling in the morning and Art, Craft, Dance, Karate, Yoga etc. in the afternoon program.

Some of the activities are:

  • Home-work Support
  • Language Classes (Spoken English)
  • Abacus
  • Martial Arts (Karate and Taekwondo )
  • Dance Classes
  • Music Workshops
  • Arts workshops
  • Summer camps.

We understand the specific needs of children and accordingly customize the setup and design of the Day Care center.
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Employer Sponsored Day Care Services: We also help employers design and develop daycare facility to suit their organizational needs.
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