Our Methodology - Middle School

Middle school prepares children for the rigorousness of the high school, the syllabus used is as per CBSE/NCERT and methodology is innovative blend of best practices from across different boards and curriculums.

The curriculum has been designed to prepare the children for more rigorous academic requirement for high school. All the subjects are taught by the subject specialist teachers who work with students to develop thorough understanding of the topics introduced in middle school. Along with core subject’s students will have an option of choosing second language. They also can choose between art, music and drama. This helps them to build skills in the activities, which interests them.

English curriculum in middle school is expanded and developed for students to understand different varieties of prose, poetry, drama, and non-fiction texts.

Science curriculum introduces a range of scientific topics for the students. It’s a critical phase of transformation to train the student’s for rigorous academic work. The course has been designed with ample opportunity for practical investigations to understand the concepts. These concepts are linked to everyday life for students to understand the relevance.

Math Curriculum has been developed to train the students in problem solving, logical reasoning and analytical skills. Also to teach in such a way that students should be able to make connections to outside world and other subjects. Lot

Social Studies are taught in order to make children understand their immediate environment, the neighborhood, the distant lands and their people. A clear understanding of the political/social structure of the government and the democratic processes is given through role-play, mock sessions and visits to relevant places.

Students are encouraged to read a wide variety of books to expand their horizon. To progress their learning, specific skills such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax are taught. At this stage students are required to learn to put their thoughts in written form through proper use of grammar, punctuation etc. Creative writing, making drafts, editing reports, journals and essay writing are part of our comprehensive language development program.

Evaluation & Assessment

Promotion will be granted on the basis of the entire year’s performance of the student in the C.C.E (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) which is a system of evaluation of students that takes a holistic approach to a student’s development.