CO-CURRICULAR - House Activities

Each House is headed by a student designated as House Captain. A member of the staff, assisted by several other teachers, acts as the House Warden. Points are awarded to the students throughout the year for their performance in extra-curricular activities, games and sports. Points are also awarded to individual students and groups for their performance in competitions.

Inter-House competitions are organised and trophies are awarded to Houses for their performance in literary, cultural and sports activities. Every outstanding student is given a certificate for his/ her performance in these competitions.

The school has divided its students into 4 houses namely Blue, Red, Yellow and Green. Each student is put under a specific house when he/she takes admission in the school. Each student is allotted a specific house and care is taken that each house has almost equal number of students, both boys and girls. Each house is placed under a house warden and tutors and yearlong co-scholastic activities are held to judge the performance of each child in the co-scholastic area along with the academic area.

    All Inter house competitions are held as per the calendar. Various competitions are:

  • Inter house Singing Competition
  • Inter house Dance Competition
  • Public Speaking and Debate Competition
  • Inter house Sports Competition
  • Inter house Skit Competition
  • Inter house Rangoli Competition