BITT Public School, Best School in Ranchi, Best Private School, Best School in Jharkhand, Public School, BPS, BPS Ranchi, Best Public School in Ranchi

Reading adds newer dimensions to the body of knowledge. We at BITT Public School believe in inculcating a reading culture that enhances and compliments the education system. Books that capture the imagination of students reconfirm their facts and open newer doors of intellect are carefully chosen and made available to the students.

The school library has both printed as well as audio-visual material like DVDs. There are plenty of books, picture books, activity books, dictionaries. Books on varied subjects are available here. The library has books on literature in English and Hindi. Reference books and Magazines keep the students abreast with all that’s happening around. Students are encouraged to give their suggestion about the kind of books they would like in the library, and our librarian does her bit to carry their suggestions further.


  1. Students will be allowed to take only one book at a time.
  2. Books will be issued during library periods. No book will be issued or returned during class hours.
  3. A student can keep a book for a week and the same can be renewed further for another week. The book in great demand will be issued for maximum periods of 3 days only.
  4. Reference books will not be issued. The students will be allowed to consult the reference books only during the school hours.
  5. The librarian can call for a book before time.
  6. If the date of issue or return of books happens to be a holiday, its stands postponed to the next working day.
  7. If the book is not returned on the due date, a fine of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged as late fee.
  8. Absence is no excuse for the delay in return of the book.
  9. In case a book is misused or lost, the concerned student will have to pay the full price of the book or compensate with a new book.
  10. Writing names, scribbling, underlining, folding, tearing the pages etc. is strictly forbidden. Fines will be levied for violation of these rules.
  11. Students should not exchange, lend or pass on the books to anyone else.
  12. Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
  13. Students will not be allowed to carry their personal books or bags to the library. Notebooks can be taken to the library with the prior permission of the librarian.